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Stratkit MapMaker Shape Editor

The Map Structure Editor is a 2D/3D editor in which the shape of the maps is designed, as well as capital positions, connections and seapoints. To speed this process up tremendously, the user can import SVGs which are (already) created by graphic artists/designers and directly generate the landmass (province polygons) with a single click. The editor stores the information in a GraphcalInfo asset format which is used by the MapMaker.

Please note that the Map Shape Editor is using the experimental package Vector Graphics 2.0.0 preview21 installed from git url using com.unity.vectorgraphics. Please also note that the editor is not going to work out of the box with current maps unless they are structured in the way the code expects. i.e. All points lie on top of each other and provinces in the SVG file are structured as expected in the code. SVG format is documented here:

To use the Map Shape Editor, from the MapMakerUI in Unity Editor press Edit Map Shape button near GraphicalInfo entry.