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Stratkit Fog Of War

Fog of war module introduces concept of Fog Of War(FoW) and FoW removers. FoW covers the whole map to simulate visibility for the player.

Main Fog Of War prefab is placed on the terrain scene. Size and scaling values of that plain matter since they directly affect FoW in the game.

On the technical side we have two different types of removers: Mesh and radius removers.

Mesh removers represent static objects (usually provinces) that reveal map area based on their mesh. Every mesh FoW remover has to be tagged with MeshFogOfWarRemoverTag and contain a buffer of FogOfWarTriangles, that represent mesh vertex positions in world space.

Radius removers are dynamic and reveal area based on their position and radius (usually armies). They don't need to have anything in the buffer since we reveal area around them.

FoW concept and FogOfWarShaderRefreshSystem in general are independent from provinces and armies, it just works with removers. That means, that every object on the map can have one of the remover components on it and it should work. Other systems in the module are dealing with adding and removing these remover components.

The main system (FogOfWarShaderRefreshSystem) runs only if FogOfWarDoRefreshTag is attached to main Fog Of War entity. Right now only one FoW entity is supported, all necessary components to it are attached in FogOfWarAuthoring script that is attached to FoW plane prefab.

With the questions about internal compute shader structure please contact Aleksandra Rutkowska.

Actual drawing of the shader can be described as process of remapping and replicating of all excluded FoW areas to the render textures and applying it to the compute shader.

Fog of War design

  • For each army on screen, we need to render two circles, the inner circle with full alpha, the the outer with some alpha.
  • The circles overlap but shouldn't be additive.
  • The circles follow the surface of what it touches, such as terrain, enemies armies, buildings, props, etc...

Previous Implementation

flowchart LR
    GatherArmies{Gather Army} --> ArmyArray
    ArmyArray --> PixelShader{Pixel Shader}
    ScreenWidth --> PixelShader
    ScreenHeight --> PixelShader
The total cost is Army_Count X Screen_Width X Screen_Height. This is not scalable for late game - Profiling result shows 18% GPU cost for early-game on Mac build

Binary Space Partitioning

GPU cost estimation for late game

  • Army count is 200
  • Screen width is 2000 (2556 for iPhone 15)
  • Screen height is 1000 (1179 for iPhone 15)
  • Total cost = 400 million.

Algorithm reasoning

  • The screen size is significantly larger than army size
  • The screen should be divided to smaller parts
  • Each part should only be covered by a small amount of armies

Algorithm cost estimation

  • The cost of 1-step BSP:
  • Army count 100
  • Screen size: 1000x1000
  • Cost: (100 * 1000 x 1000) x 2 = 200 mil
  • The cost of 2-step BSP:
    • Army count 50
    • Screen size: 1000x500
    • Cost: (50 x 1000 x 500) x 4 = 100 mil
  • 3-step: (25 x 500 x 500) x 8 = 50 mil
  • The cost is exponentially reduced for every division step

Algorithm steps

flowchart LR
    GatherArmies{Gather Army} --> ArmyArray
    ScreenWidth --> ArmyQuad
    ScreenHeight --> ArmyQuad
    ArmyArray --> ArmyQuad
    ArmyQuad --> BSP{BSP}
    BSP --> IsArmyLarge{Is Army Count\nlarger than X}
    IsArmyLarge -- no --> AddQuadToList{Add to\nquad list}
    IsArmyLarge -- yes --> DivideByHalf{Divide\nby half}
    DivideByHalf --> ArmyQuadA
    DivideByHalf --> ArmyQuadB
    ArmyQuadA --> BSP
    ArmyQuadB --> BSP
    AddQuadToList --> QuadList
    QuadList --> PixelShader{Pixel Shader}
flowchart LR
    subgraph DivideByHalf
        subgraph ForEachArmy
            Army -- check --> DivisionPlane
            DivisionPlane -- positive --> QuadA
            DivisionPlane -- negative --> QuadB
            DivisionPlane -- middle --> BothQuads

Burstify and Jobify BSP


  • Bursted code does not support recursion
  • No nested container allowed in Jobs
  • 3D Geometric math

3D Geometric Math

  • Check the view circle is on which side of the split
  • Check the distance from camera-ray to circle-center against the split plane
  • DOTS-enable types are added
  • DotsCamera
  • DotsRay
  • DotsPlane

Remove recursion

  • Luckily, BSP is a tail-recursion
    flowchart LR
        subgraph Loop
            IsInputEmpty{Is Input\nEmpty} -- yes --> End
            IsInputEmpty -- no --> InputQuadList
            InputQuadList --> BSP{BSP}
            BSP -- divide --> OutputQuadList
            BSP -- addTo --> ResultList
        subgraph Swap
            InputQuadList2 --> OutputQuadList2
            OutputQuadList2 --> InputQuadList2
        Loop --> Swap
        Swap --> Loop
        class InputQuadList,OutputQuadList,InputQuadList2,OutputQuadList2 important;
        classDef important fill:red


flowchart LR
    subgraph Input
    subgraph Output
    OutParallelWriter --> OutputQuadList
    ResultParallelWriter --> ResultQuadList
    subgraph IJobParallelFor
        InputQuadList --> InputQuad
        Index --> InputQuad
        InputQuad --> BSP
        BSP -- divide --> OutParallelWriter
        BSP -- addTo --> ResultParallelWriter
    Schedule --> IJobParallelFor --> Swap
    Swap --> Schedule

Work around nested container

  • Unfortunately, QuadList is a nested container
    struct DivisionInfo {
        Rect viewport;
        NativeArray<float4> units;
    NativeArray<DivisionInfo> quadList;
  • Nested container can't be used in Jobs
  • Nested container can be flatten using Slice
    flowchart LR
        subgraph QuadList
        subgraph QuadList2[QuadList]
            subgraph ArmySlice
        QuadList -- refactor --> QuadList2
        ArmySlice --> ArmyList2
  • Slice doesn't support ParallelWriter

Parallel write

  • Use attribute NativeDisableParallelForRestriction to allow parallel writing to native container
  • Different Job needs to write to different index of the container
    flowchart LR
        subgraph RaceCondition
            JobX -- write --> IndexX
            JobY -- write --> IndexX
        subgraph ShouldDo
            JobA -- write --> IndexA
            JobB -- write --> IndexB
        style RaceCondition fill:red
  • Race condition
  • Won't give compile errors
  • Won't crash
  • Can't be debugged
  • Can only be avoided by theoretically check all possibilities of the code
  • Easier to manifest on larger set of data

Parallel read and write

  • Use an additional scary attribute NativeDisableContainerSafetyRestriction
  • Race condition on read & write is possible due to different speed of thread
  • Each thread has different workload
  • Each thread could be executed by different type of physical core

Further improvements

Early exit

  • When reach enough recursion depth, we will get diminishing result
  • Early exit even though the amount of armies are still large
  • Use a version of shader that could accept a larger army size

Empty quad

  • When army size is zero
  • Use a shader that simply draw the pixel out!

Quad with higher unit count

  • These quads are normally small visually
  • Sort armies by distance to quad center
  • Discard the armies that exceed the shader's army size

Move allocations out of critical code path

  • Allocator.TempJob is required by Jobs
  • Allocator.TempJob is expensive
  • We could use Allocator.Permanent instead
  • Even though it is more expensive, it's used only once
  • Allocate with the largest supported size

Complete coverage

  • The result quad list could be filtered
  • If one quad in the list cover the entire viewport, we could discard it and render nothing!

Filter out armies outside of screen

  • Check each army circle against the main viewport
  • This helps when zooming in

Entity Graphics to batch draw command