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Stratkit Balancing Data XLSX Export

Package contains exporter that allows extracting map balancing data into excel sheet with two tabs - player and province.

Package can be found under Tools/Stratkit/Balancing Data Workflow Window and under tab Export Excel from Map.

Implementation is based on scriptable obejcts and "Exporter" concept - each column (or multiple columns) in XLSX file should have corresponding ScriptableXLSXExporter.

Root object of exported XLSX is ScriptableXLSXWorkbook, which can hold list of multiple sheets (tabs) in form of ScriptableXLSXSheetobjects. Ultimately, each sheet scriptable contains list of previously mentioned ScriptableXLSExporter's, which each delivers unique implementation per exported balancing data.

Single ScriptableXLSExporter may generate more than one column - it depends on returned content by exporter in form of List<List<string>>

Example of structure:

  • ScriptableXLSXWorkbook
    • ScriptableXLSXSheet
    • ContentItemNameXLSXExporter
    • IconPropertyXLSXExporter
    • PlayerFactionXLSXExporter
    • ScriptableXLSXSheet
    • LocalizedNameXLSXExporter
    • ProvinceTerrainXLSXExporter
    • ProvinceVictoryPointsXLSXExporter

Order of ScriptableXLSExporter in ScriptableXLSXSheet influences orders of column in output XLSX.