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Stratkit Army Entity Graphics

This package contains logic for army entities creation and positional update. The entities are rendered with Entities Graphics.

Army supports Formation and Zoom Levels. Animation support of the units is available using the Rukhanka Animation package. Animations are mapped to the army's status and are played accordingly. See Animation Workflow documentation on how to setup the animation state machines to make this work.

The module implements Army rendering entirely using DOTS compatible methods - Baking: achieved with Bakers classes in the Editor assembly - Authoring: using classes found in Runtime.Authors namespace. These classes should present in the SharedSubScene found in the map - Instancing: prefabs are baked into entities via UnitEntityPrefabAuthor. Entity could be instantiated via the EntityManager. Mass instantiation is also possible. - Rendering: all entities created from baked prefab are rendered with Entities Graphics. - Update and Destroy: fully DOTS compatible, with parallel processing, bursted code and chunk-based API - All based assets are packed into Content Archive

This module has feature parity with ArmyRendering module. By comparing the two modules, devs could infer how to make similar implementation.