Jobify Entities Creation¶
Multiple entity creation is often sequential and unoptimised. This code pattern has a CreateEntity
inside a loop:
// in System.OnUpdate
var commonInfo;
foreach (var info in constructionInfos) {
var c1 = func1(info, commonInfo);
Entity entity = EntityManager.CreateEntity();
EntityManager.AddComponent(entity, c1);
var c2 = func2(info, commonInfo, c1);
EntityManager.AddComponent(entity, c2);
This can be optimised by jobifying and run in parallel.
internal struct EntityJob : IJobParallelFor {
public NativeArray<Entity> Entities;
public NativeArray<Info> Infos;
public CommonInfo CommonInfo;
public ComponentLookup<C1> C1s;
public ComponentLookup<C2> C2s;
public void Execute(int index) {
Entity entity = Entities[index];
Info info = Infos[index];
C1 c1 = C1s[entity] = func1(info, CommonInfo);
C2s[entity] = func2(info, CommonInfo, c1);
internal partial struct CreateSystem : ISystem {
private EntityArchetype _archetype;
public void OnCreate(ref SystemState state) {
_archetype = state.EntityManager.CreateArchetype(typeof(C1), typeof(C2));
public void OnUpdate(ref SystemState state) {
NativeArray<Info> constructionInfos = ...;
CommonInfo commonInfo = ...;
NativeArray<Entity> entities = state.EntityManager.CreateEntity(_archetype, constructionInfos.Length, Allocator.TempJob);
JobHandle handle = new EntityJob {
Entities = entities,
Infos = constructionInfos,
CommonInfo = commonInfo,
C1s = SystemAPI.GetComponentLookup<C1>(false),
C2s = SystemAPI.GetComponentLookup<C2>(false),
}.Schedule(entities.Length, your_inner_loop_batch_count);
, it won't break Cache Locality
because the newly created entities belong to the same chunk.