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Generic Container to Native Container


Generic containers such as List<T>, T[], Dictionary<T> and HashSet<T> are not Burst compatible.


Refactor these containers make the code closer to being Burst compatible and possible to apply further optimizations.


Convert the element type

First we need to convert the element type T to struct and using only Burst compatible fields. Refer to High Performance C# for more information.

Allocation type

Native container doesn't have automatic garbabge collection similar to generic containers. You would have to decide its life plan using appropriate allocation type: - Allocator.Temp: suitable for sequential processing. Is automatically disposed at the end of the frame. You could also manually dispose it earlier. This is the fastest allocation among these types. - Allocator.TempJob: suitable for use in Jobs. You could pass a job handle to the Dispose function and it will be disposed after the relevant job is finished. - Allocator.Permanent: suitable for use as fields in System. You could dispose them in System OnDestroy. This is the slowest allocation among these types.

List to NativeList

// before
var list = new List<T>;
list.Add(new T());
// after
var list = new NativeList<T>(Allocator.Temp);
list.Add(new T());

Array to NativeArray

// before
var array = new T[5];
array[1] = new T();
// after
var array = new NativeArray<T>(5, Allocator.Temp);
array[1] = new T();
NativeList<T> can be recast to NativeArray without any performance hit, because it uses array internally:
var array = list.AsArray();
But if you use NativeList.ToArray it will return a copy and you will have to do another allocation. Query result could be copied to an array conveniently via:
var query = SystemAPI.QueryBuilder().WithAll<Comp1, Comp2>.Build();
var entities = query.ToEntityArray(Allocator.Temp);
var comp1s = query.ToComponentDataArray<Comp1>(Allocator.Temp);

HashSet and Dictionary

Both NativeHashSet and NativeHashMap need initial_capacity in constructor, estimate this number so that your container doesn't have to reallocate very frequently. By default the capacity will grow logarithmically (log2).

// before
var set = new HashSet<T>();
// after
var set = new NativeHashSet<K, T>(initial_capacity, Allocator.Temp);
// before
var dict = new Dictionary<K, T>();
// after
var dict = new NativeHashMap<K, T>(initial_capacity, Allocator.Temp);

Nested Container

Only Dictionary of List is supported. The other nesting type need a deeper refactoring.

// before
var dictOfList = new Dictionary<K, List<T>>();
foreach (var val in dictOfList[key1]) Debug.Log(val);

// after
var dictOfList = new NativeParallelMultiHashMap<K, T>(initial_capacity, Allocator.Temp);
dictOfList.Add(key1, val1);
dictOfList.Add(key1, val2);
dictOfList.Remove(key1, val1);
foreach (var val in dictOfList.GetValuesForKey(key1)) Debug.Log(val);

Parallel Writer

These native containers support writing in Job. We just need to acquire a ParallelWriter to the container

internal struct Job: IJobParallelFor {
    public NativeList<T>.ParallelWriter Data;
    public void Execute(T index) {
        Data.AddNoResize(new T());

var list = new NativeList<T>(Allocator.TempJob);

var handle = new Job {
    Data = list.AsParallelWriter()

NativeHashSet and NativeHashMap can't be converted to ParallelWriter, we must use its parallel version instead - NativeParallelHashSet - NativeParallelHashMap